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The ways of Jesus Christ

There is absolutely no way to discuss about the ways of JESUS without first meeting Him.

Allow me introduce you to The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Soon and Coming King, The Reigning King, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
(By the way, He knew you before the foundation of the world).

Let us begin with:

The Purpose of The Birth of Jesus

When the first Adam sinned and fell from his glorious position with God as a result of the temptation from satan; pleasing God totally became the most difficult task for Man.

Not because God was unmerciful and impossible to please but because no sacrifice was sufficient for the much needed salvation for all mankind.

Therefore, God patiently waited three times for fourteen generations to be fulfilled, from Abraham to David; David to the captivity of Babylon; and from the captivity of Babylon until The Christ to bring to the world, The Second Man, The Last Adam who was The Lamb of God, The Perfect Sacrifice, The Life – giving Spirit (Matthew1:17, 1Corinthians15:45-47)

Prophet Isaiah, amongst others prophesied about the iconic birth of Jesus which had never happened before, since creation and never will!

An angel announced that He was conceived of The Holy Spirit, His Name was called “Jesus” and The purpose of His birth was to save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:20-25).

Please note that His people here, through the mouth of The Messiah, Himself, became “Whoever believes in Him” in John 3:16-18.
(The only Name given among men whereby we might be saved is Jesus.)


The Fore – Runner of Jesus

John The Baptist, the miracle child of Elisabeth and Zacharias after many years of barrenness was divinely chosen by God to forerun the ministry of Jesus. His ministry anchored on repentance from sin and water baptism.
Right from the womb, he leaped for joy, as he acknowledged The power and Lordship of Christ.
No wonder, he felt unworthy to baptize Him. (Matthew 3:14)

God often sets the stage for His greatest moves by sending people ahead of time to fulfil His words. He enjoys working behind the scene thus, men miss Him for lack of discernment.

How then, do we explain why intellectually mature people neither recognise nor believe in Jesus amidst clear evidences but open hearted people do?

The bible simply says that the god of this world has blinded their minds. (2Corinthians 4:3-4)

Now, Let us take a quick look at :-


In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus was tempted by Satan three times in 3 major areas of His life.

i. Self control ( He was tempted regarding His appetite)
ii. His Respect for God’s word (He was asked to take God’s word for granted)
iii. His Wholesome worship which belongs only to God (Satan wanted it)

Please note that His knowledge of God’s word was greatly tested but He overcame the devil through the Written and Spoken word unlike the First Adam.


Jesus healed all manners of sicknesses and diseases, raised the dead, miraculously fed the people, walked upon the sea and set free those who were demon possessed everywhere He went. (Matthew’4:24; 8:3,13,15; 9:6,22,25,33,35)


He was born to redeem men from sins, therefore He forgave as many as came to Him with repentant hearts. (Matthew 9:6) He still forgives sins today.


Jesus taught God’s word right from His Childhood. The compassion He had for the people motivated Him to teach and preach at every given opportunity. He did not want anyone to perish.

He touched on Faith, Love for God and our neighbour, The power of God, The Kingdom of Heaven and how we ought to be as sons of God.


He bore His cross so well and even shares ours with us. He knew the pain, the shame, the reproach,the hatred, the loneliness He was called to bear on our behalf but He lovingly endured it all so that you and I might be saved. (Isaiah 53:3-5,7)

Therefore, the sins of the whole world are fully paid for through the sacrifice of Jesus. The blood, He shed on the cross of Calvary is only the atonement God recognises because that was His plan to dwell among Man, understand our ways and redeem us. (John1:1-3,10-14)

Friends, you cannot afford to make the sacrifice of Jesus of no effect or importance in your life. (2Corinthians 5:9-21).

If you have never met, say a prayer right now, inviting Him into your heart as your Lord and Personal Saviour and your life will never be the same again.

This is a very necessary bold step of faith and The Holy Spirit will teach, comfort and help you in this new journey.

Please, pray without ceasing, praise Him always and read the bible daily. Locate a bible believing church near you and fellowship with other believers who will help you grow in faith.

For those who are already born again, please, keep holding on to The Master’s hand. Your labour is not vain in The Lord.(1Corinthians 15:58)

God bless you all.
